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Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal


By providing the teenagers of Fisantkraal and Paarl an alternative sport to keep them motivated, focussed and ocupied, a platform for growth and ministry is created. 

Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal


An opportunity to train, build character and partake as a team and to work towards a common goal is part of the vision of building FAT kids - Faithful, Available and Teachable


Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal

Fisantekraal, an informal setllement on the outskirts of Durbanville, is a place where change, hope and love is much needed.

FAT Team Pedal Cars

Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars Fisantekraal Piet van der Westhuizen Cycle for Christ Pedal Cars.

Pedal for Christ: Let us all become Faithful, Available and Teachable

Copyright 2013 © Piet van der Westhuizen | No copy without written consent - please contact.

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